Attorneys: Lockout/tag-out violations are costly OSHA violations

Columbus, Ohio — OSHA is hitting hard at the issue of lockout/tag-out and machine safety guarding and putting a laser focus on amputations that could result from failure to disconnect all energy before servicing and maintenance of industrial machines. That was the message from two lawyers who spoke at the Environmental Health and Safety Summit. “When do most often amputations occur?[..]

How To Maintain & Clean Your Emergency Eyewash Stations

Emergency Eyewash Station Maintenance In this guide, we’ll walk you through some best practices on how to keep your eyewash units in tip-top condition, so that you can rest assured that they’ll be ready for action should the unthinkable happen. Why is maintenance so important? Eyewash stations are of critical importance in any workplace that works with hazardous, corrosive substances. Using[..]

Five Safety Tips that Impact Business

Follow these tips to create and maintain a strong safety culture that engages employees as part of the process. It’s easy to turn a blind eye to safety when working in fast-paced environments and having to meet project deadlines. However, most manufacturing employers can attest to the turbulent outcomes that can arise if safety standards are not regularly enforced. Our everyday actions can have[..]

Did You Know You Need To Test Your Eye Wash Station Weekly To Meet OSHA/ANSI Standards?

Compliance is an all-day, every-day requirement. Emergency showers and eyewashes are required by the ANSI/ISEA Z358.1-2014 standard to be activated weekly, with a more thorough evaluation on an annual basis. With OSHA fine increases of 80 percent having taken effect in August 2016, violations for inappropriate or inadequate eyewash and shower equipment have resulted in penalties of more than[..]

8 Tips to Reduce Warehouse Utility Knife Accidents

It goes without saying. ALWAYS exercise caution when using a utility knife. But it’s easy to forget safety tips when you’re under the gun to open a large load of cartons, loads secured with nylon banding or pallets wrapped with multiple layers of stretch film. That’s when simple mistakes can turn into serious workplace injuries. In fact, a single serious cut from a box opener can easily[..]

9 First Aid Tips You’ll Actually Use

First aid tips—especially when shared by paramedics—focus on emergency situations and procedures. It’s all about how to react when blood is spurting, parts are missing, or breathing has stopped. That’s all good information, but the best first aid tips are for the mundane injuries that are most likely to happen at the company picnic or a child’s birthday party.You[..]

Importance of Gloves in the Workplace

Hand injuries, including injury to fingernails and fingers, are often written off as first-aid usage and near-misses. Many workers consider the use of gloves hard to comply with and unnecessary. Yet, more varieties of gloves for broader purposes exist than ever before – cut-resistant, chemical protective, electrically-rated, infection control, just to name a few. Carefully identifying the[..]

Construction Fall Protection Training

4 Back Safety Quick Tips for National Safety Month

Safety First According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), more than one million workers experience back injuries each year. One-fourth of all worker’s compensation indemnity claims are a result of back injuries. Low back pain is one of the most common reasons that people miss work, second only to the common cold. In America, we spend more than $100 billion annually in medical bills,[..]