6 Tips to Safely Move an Injured Victim

How to Move an Injured Victim

As a general rule, you should not move a casualty from the place of the accident. You should only move a victim if they are in uncontrollable danger, if the safety of the situation is not assured, and if you are able to take action without placing yourself at risk. If necessary, move them to the nearest safe location. If the victim is conscious explain what you are going to do and ask for their cooperation.

If possible, support the casualty’s neck during the evacuation procedure. Twist the victim’s head, neck, and body as little as possible. Try to use the correct technique, although quick removal may be the first priority. Try to shield the casualty from cold or heat, but only move them if they have spent a long time in a cold environment and are running a real risk as a result of this. Cover the victim with a coat or a blanket to protect them from the cold. You can also use an insulation blanket. To protect the victim from heat, improvise a sunshade with a jacket, blanket or umbrella, or stand or sit in a position so that your shadow covers the casualty.

The technique for Moving an Unconscious or Injured Victim

There are many techniques taught to rescuers and first responders for moving a victim who is injured or unresponsive. You should always follow local protocols and guidelines. In addition, formal training should be undertaken before performing any moving and handling techniques.

The following method is one way of moving an unconscious victim with a single rescuer or first aider.

  1. Lay the victim’s arms along their body

  2. Kneel behind their head. Slide one hand under their neck and the other between their shoulder blades. Carefully lift their head and shoulders and slide yourself closer.

  3. Raise the victim ’s back to bring them to a sitting position. Support their shoulders.

  4. Put both hands under the victim ’s armpits and grip one of their forearms. Grasp the wrist with one hand and the forearm with the other.

  5. Assume a crouching position without letting go of the victim’s arm. You now have the victim cradled between your legs. Press the victim ’s arm firmly against their chest.

  6. With your back straight, stand and lift the casualty up. Walk backward trailing the victim with you. Watch out for obstacles behind you.


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Source: http://www.firstaidforfree.com/how-to-move-an-injured-victim/