Workplace Violence

Preventing Workplace Violence shows employees how to recognize the warning signs of possible violent behavior, as well as how to avoid or defuse potentially dangerous situations. This VOD program is one of the most effective and efficient ways to get employees the training that they need, in a classroom or individually through their desktop or tablet computer.

Workplace Stress

Workplace Stress helps employees identify potentially stressful situations and learn how to cope with them. This VOD program is one of the most effective and efficient ways to get employees the training that they need, in a classroom or individually through their desktop or tablet computer.

Workplace Harassment in the Office

Workplace Harassment in the Office discusses the various types of harassment that are found in the workplace, how they can affect an employee’s work situation and what employees themselves can do to help prevent workplace harassment. This VOD program is one of the most effective and efficient ways to get employees the training that they need, in a classroom or individually through their desktop or tablet computer.

Workplace Harassment in Industrial Facilities

Workplace Harassment in Industrial Facilities discusses the various types of harassment that are found in the workplace, how they can affect an employee’s work situation and what employees themselves can do to help prevent workplace harassment. This VOD program is one of the most effective and efficient ways to get employees the training that they need, in a classroom or individually through their desktop or tablet computer.

Winter Safety

Winter Safety shows employees how to plan ahead, identify potential hazards and avoid dangerous situations that occur during the winter holiday season. This VOD program is one of the most effective and efficient ways to get employees the training that they need, in a classroom or individually through their desktop or tablet computer.

Welding Safety

Welding Safety reminds employees that there are indeed a number of hazards associated with welding, and provides the information they need to work safely when involved with welding operations. This VOD program is one of the most effective and efficient ways to get employees the training that they need, in a classroom or individually through their desktop or tablet computer.

Warehouse Safety

Warehouse Safety helps employees to stay safe by identifying the specific hazards they can encounter while working in a warehouse, and providing them with the practical procedures that they can use to avoid them. This VOD program is one of the most effective and efficient ways to get employees the training that they need, in a classroom or individually through their desktop or tablet computer.

Walking and Working Surfaces

Walking and Working Surfaces training identifies the hazards of different surfaces and provides the practical information and specific procedures employees need to help prevent slips, trips and falls on the job. This VOD program is one of the most effective and efficient ways to get employees the training that they need, in a classroom or individually through their desktop or tablet computer.

Slips, Trips & Falls

Slips, Trips and Falls shows employees the situations that can lead to slips, trips and falls, and what they can do to avoid or prevent these accidents. This VOD program is one of the most effective and efficient ways to get employees the training that they need, in a classroom or individually through their desktop or tablet computer.

Safety Showers & Eye Washes

Safety Showers and Eye Washes reviews situations where safety showers and eye washes should be used, as well as how to use them properly. This VOD program is one of the most effective and efficient ways to get employees the training that they need, in a classroom or individually through their desktop or tablet computer.