Companies learning CPR reap the side benefit of team building

Learning CPR can not only help to save a life, but it can bring your company closer together. Taking a four-hour CPR course with your co-workers can build trust and understanding among employees. Everyone working together toward a common goal builds stronger working relationships and understanding amongst workers. Articles like this one from the New York Times, show how putting individuals in a[..]

Teen’s quick acting saves life with CPR

Nineteen year old Hannah Evans was at home getting ready to leave for work. When she looked outside and saw family friend Becky Garverick, who had been helping Hannah’s parents cut their lawn. Suddenly Hannah saw Becky collapse to the ground. Hannah rushed out to the yard and checked for a pulse and immediately began chest compressions. She called 911 and continued with chest[..]

Four Critical Steps To Burn Treatment When Burns Occur

Seconds count, when burns occur. Burns need to be cooled immediately. Otherwise, the heat will continue to destroy the surrounding and underlying tissue, and may even progress into a second or third degree burn. This will present serious complications for the patient both in cost and on-going treatment. Here are four critical steps you should take to treat a burn:Immediately stop the burning[..]