Is your company in compliance with the new OSHA Silica Standard

OSHA’s new silica dust exposure standard went into effect September 23rd last year, but the agency delayed enforcement until Oct. 23 to give employers more time to comply. This is the first update to the silica standard since the first one was established in 1971, the same year OSHA was formed. Silica dust particles are 100 times smaller than sand granules, and those who breathe in too much[..]

Apple Watch – It’s a life saver

18-year-old Deanna Recktenwald from Lithia, Florida, was at church on April 22 when she received a notification on her Apple Watch that her resting heart rate was extremely high. IT had jumped to 160 beats per minute up from her usual resting heart rate. “The only symptom that I had was that I was out of breath from walking and standing and sitting so it kind of didn’t make much[..]

It’s Time to Thank Members of the Nation’s Most-Trusted Profession

It’s Time to Thank Members of the Nation’s Most-Trusted Profession, Nurses.   For the past 16 years, the Gallup poll has named nurses as the most-trusted profession in its ratings of honesty and ethical standards in professions. The poll showed 82% of Americans describe nurses’ ethics as high or very high. By comparison, 60% rated members of Congress as low or very low[..]