How do I know if a bleeding injury is serious? – Treating a bleeding injury

How do I know if a bleeding injury is serious? – Treating a bleeding injury

Responding is Paul Slot, marketing manager, UniFirst First Aid + Safety, St. Louis.Because serious bleeding injuries can be fatal, you must know the signs for which injuries are more serious and quickly take action. Traumatic injury is one of the leading causes of death for people 50 and younger in the United States. A large portion of those deaths involve severe bleeding. Yet, bleeding is the[..]

Panic Attack’s – What You Need to Know

A panic attack or hyperventilation is a state of breathing faster or deeper than normal. Healthy breathing is when there is a balance between breathing in and breathing out. Hyperventilation is caused by exhaling more than you inhale. This causes a rapid reduction in carbon dioxide in the body. These attacks are rare, with most people reporting occurrences of 1 to 2 times in their lifetime.[..]

5 Reasons Why Basic First Aid Knowledge Is Important

People often don’t consider the importance of basic first aid education. There are numerous reasons why people put it off.They don’t have the time They don’t know where to begin They don’t believe that accidents will ever happen to them or those close to them They think they already have enough knowledge should the need ariseHelps to save lives.A trained person is more reliable,[..]

Should you restrain a person having a seizure?

Approximately 1 out of 10 people have had a seizure. Because seizures are very common, it’s important to learn what to do to help keep that person safe until the seizure stops. There are many types of seizures. Most seizures end in a few minutes. These are general steps to help someone who is having any type seizure:Stay with the person until the seizure ends and he or she is fully awake.[..]

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Do you know how to recognize and help someone who is choking?

We are living in interesting and challenging times right now, to say the least, more and more people are working from home and self-isolating, which can bring a whole new set of challenges.  A simple but common accident that can happen at work in the office or at home is choking, while it’s scary to think about, we have put together some tips to help recognize and act[..]

What’s the difference between a sprain and a strain, and what the heck is R.I.C.E Therapy?

During these times of isolation at home, at-home workouts have become more popular. Exercise is good for our bodies and mental well being but as with any physical activity, an injury can always happen. Do you know what to do if you have an accident such as a sprain or strain? And what it the correct way to take care of an injury like a strain? Read on for what the difference is between a sprain[..]

First Aid Service – Why Outsource?

Have you ever utilized a first aid service before? Do you know that such a service exists? Often times businesses attempt to handle the first aid and safety needs for their company by themselves. Perhaps this is possible when a company is small and has only a few employees. However, through the challenges of a company growing and becoming more viable in its industry, first aid and safety needs[..]

What is the best way to manage insect bites and stings?

 Common reactions to insect bites and stings are mild. Often causing little more than stinging, redness and itching or minor swelling. Rarely do insect bites and stings, such as from a bee, a wasp, a hornet, a fire ant or a scorpion, can result in severe reactions. To take care of an insect bite or sting that causes a mild reaction:Move to a safe area to avoid more bites or stings. If[..]

Emergency Burn Care and Treatment Seconds Count

Seconds count, when burns occur. Burns need to be cooled immediately. Otherwise, the heat will continue to destroy the surrounding and underlying tissue, and may even progress into a second or third degree burn. This will present serious complications for the patient both in cost and on-going treatment. How To Treat A Burn Here are four critical steps you should take to treat a burn: 1 [..]