We all play a role in ending distracted driving

Cellphones are among the top reasons for being distracted while driving. We are so use to looking at our phones every time we hear the unmistakeable ding, or see that we have a new notification, that even when we are doing something as serious as operating a motor vehicle, we are compelled to see what just arrived in our inboxes. Technology in vehicle is causing us to be more distracted than[..]

Woman who collapsed in Publix restroom saved with CPR

Renee Gold (Pictured left) and Kamilla Soares (right). Photo courtesy of myPalmBeachPost Kamilla Soares, who recently became a paramedic was next door to Publix when she received an alert on her phone that someone needed CPR. Kamilla, and a Publix Customer Service Manager Renee Gold performed life saving CPR. Renee Gold found the woman in the bathroom stall. “I had to pull her out from[..]

Benefits of Using a Learning Management System (LMS)

1. Centralized content Having all of your content in one place instead of spread across many different drives and devices makes for easier management and structure of the materials. By having everything in a centralized location, every member of your team can access the information. This ensures that every user sees the same content in the same manner. 2. Provides unlimited access to course[..]

Cardiac arrest survival increase when bystanders use an AED

According to a recent study in the Circulation Journal Report, Survival from cardiac arrest doubled when bystanders stepped in to use a publicly available automated external defibrillator rather than waiting for emergency responders to arrive. The study showed that the longer it takes to emergency personnel to arrive, the greater the benefit of a bystander using an AED to shock the[..]

Middle school educators save man’s life during heart attack

Neil Carew a longtime photographer, was in the school gym when he suffered a heart attack. ”When I turned around, he went down at that moment,” said coach and teacher Cathy Egger. “I went and shook him and called out his name a little bit and I said, ‘This isn’t working.’” Egger then went to get help. She called our for Denis Minks Who was close by. After calling[..]

High school student who suffers cardiac arrest during gym class

Samuel Mazzeo stand out in the crowd. At 6-foot-5, the high school student played football, basketball and was on the weightlifting team. On February, 23, the unforeseen occurred. Samuel went into cardiac arrest during gym class. “I don’t remember that day at all. They told me I was running around like normal and I sat down because I wasn’t feeling good. And then I passed out and was[..]

Water vs. Electrolyte drinks: Is one better than the other?

“The basic guideline for most people is that if you are doing continuous exercise for 60 minuets or less, then water is fine.” Says Suzanne Gerard Eberle, sports dietitian and author of Endurance Sports Nutrition. This is because sports drinks include electrolytes (which help regulate nerves and muscles), carbohydrates (which help restore the body’s glycogen — or fuel — levels) and[..]

Man’s life saved by Florida lifeguards after cardiac arrest

In 2015, the then 40 year old Jacksonville Beach resident, J.R. Bourne went in cardiac arrest. He was playing soccer with his friend Luis when he suddenly collapsed and stopped breathing. While a bystander began CPR, and someone called 911, the Jacksonville Beach Ocean Rescue truck were nearby. “We were driving down the beach at 10 a.m., putting our lifeguards out on towers, when we heard[..]

Athletic trainer saves man’s life at baseball game

 Joe Boyd was enjoying a night of baseball cheering on the Hornets. Joe attends nearly every home game. Suddenly out of nowhere, “Joe just fell backwards.” Says Leigh Hines, whose husband Cody Hines is a coach for the district. The districts head athletic trainer Jose Mendez heard Lehigh say “I think he’s having a heart attack”. Mendez grabbed the AED and rushed up the bleachers from[..]

Fast-acting coworkers with an AED save employee’s life

Irv Donaldson pictured right Irv Donaldson had a heart attack at work. What his fellow employees did next saved his life. Meanwhile, employee Jeff Wilson went and grabbed an AED, or an Automated External Defibrillator. The coworkers then used the device to shock Donaldson’s heart. Those quick actions all happened in about 7 minutes before paramedics arrived. Paramedics say what they did[..]