AED’s can be found everywhere, do you know how to use one?

 Americans die every day from Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Of SCA victims die before reaching a hospital  Brain death starts to occur without CPR and Defibrillation None of us expect to have a Sudden Cardiac Arrest, SCA can happen anytime and anywhere. Did you know you can double the chance of survival with effective bystander CPR & Defibrillation provided immediately after Cardiac[..]

5 First Aid Myths

In a medical emergency, the right response can save livesMany of us are still doing the wrong thing. Getting first aid right can mean the difference between life and death. Here are some of the most common myths about first aid… and what you should do instead.MYTH 1: Put butter on a burnAny new burn that’s exposed to the air is incredibly painful. Covering it with a cool substance[..]

Eye Protection Safety Training Classes

Are Your Employee’s Wearing The Right Safety Glasses?

Over 2000 eye injuries occur every day at work in the U.S. (As reported by Niosh) Construction workers have one of the highest eye injury rates. Most common are particles of dust, metal, wood, slag, drywall, cement, etc. are the most common source of eye injury to carpenters. Even “minor” eye injuries can cause life-long vision problems and suffering–a simple scratch from sawdust, cement,[..]

Have You Been Putting Off Getting Your Team CPR Trained?

CPR/First Aid – Corporate and Group ClassesUniFirst First Aid + Safety offers weekly CPR classes for companies and groups, UniFirst First Aid + Safety’s CPR, AED, and First Aid training program will help employers meet OSHA and other federal and state regulatory requirements for training employees how to respond and care for medical emergencies at work. This 2-year certification[..]

Are your eyewash stations OSHA/ANSI compliant?

A compliant eyewash station along with eye protection can help reduce hospital visits. While many businesses are working with skeleton crews or closed during the Coronavirus there are many businesses that are open either full-time or with a somewhat reduced schedule. If your business has an eyewash station, it is more important than ever to make sure that you are meeting compliance to help[..]

Panic Attack’s – What You Need to Know

A panic attack or hyperventilation is a state of breathing faster or deeper than normal. Healthy breathing is when there is a balance between breathing in and breathing out. Hyperventilation is caused by exhaling more than you inhale. This causes a rapid reduction in carbon dioxide in the body. These attacks are rare, with most people reporting occurrences of 1 to 2 times in their lifetime.[..]

Are You Ready to Save a Life? – CPR Classes Available Now

CPR/First Aid Training – Corporate and Group Classes UniFirst First Aid + Safety offers weekly CPR classes for companies and groups, UniFirst First Aid + Safety’s CPR, AED, and First Aid training program will help employers meet OSHA and other federal and state regulatory requirements for training employees how to respond and care for medical emergencies at work. This 2-year[..]

Americans impacted by hearing loss hits record numbers

According to the National Institutes of Health NIDCD, approximately 20 percent (48 million) of American adults aged 20 to 69, have some trouble with hearing, and approximately 28.8 million could benefit from the use of hearing aids. Among adults aged 70 and older with hearing loss who could benefit from hearing aids, fewer than one in three (30 percent) has ever used them. As the baby boomer[..]

Fire Prevention Week – Tips To Keep You Safe

Fire Prevention Week UniFirst First Aid + Safety First & Safety would like to share a great resource from NFPA (National Fire Protection Association).  Fire Prevention Week is a perfect time to educate your family, friends, and coworkers on the importance of fire prevention. Click Here to access the NFPA library of resources. Call Now to schedule your fire safety training Follow us    like us Source:

Protect your Hearing Month – 3 Tips to Protect your Hearing

Did you know you can permanently lose your hearing from prolonged exposure to noise? 12 million Americans have hearing loss as a result of exposure to noise, noise-induced hearing loss. October is National Protect Your Hearing Month. We encourage Americans to protect their hearing by:Wearing hearing protection when around sounds louder than 85dB for 30 minutes or more. Turning down the volume[..]