Fire Training In The Workplace – What You Need To Know

Fires destroy property, cause injuries, and take lives One of the key strategies for maintaining a safe workplace and preventing fires is fire safety training. With proper training, workers can eliminate fire hazards and respond quickly and efficiently if a fire breaks out. Without proper training, a small occurrence can quickly grow to become a major incident with devastating outcomes. Everyone[..]

Why Workers Prefer Online Health and Safety Training

Why Safety Training is ImportantEHS training is crucial for a good safety culture. In the US, 99 workers on average die each WEEK from workplace accidents. Let’s take a quick look at the further benefits of EHS training:Keeps health and safety at the forefront Helps avoid the financial costs and lost production time of accidents Builds a reputation as a safe employer Happy[..]

Police Officer Saves Infant’s Life With CPR

A veteran officer with the Vine Grove Police Department in Lousville, KY saves an infant’s life. Brixten Muir is just 12 days old and has a lung condition. On Tuesday morning, he stopped breathing and went into cardiac arrest. Officer Lamar Jones happened to be in the area when the call came in. The 40-year-old veteran officer performed CPR on the infant, with help from Officer Keith Ousley[..]

Can You Find The Defibrillator At Work? Increase Your Survival Rates

About 10,000 cardiac arrests happen in workplaces each year, according to the American Heart Association. Using an automatic external defibrillator can increase the chance of survival.Do you know where your workplace’s automated external defibrillator is located? About half of all U.S. employees don’t, according to the results of an American Heart Association survey. The survey[..]

Online Safety Training – A Great Solution For People Working From Home

Online Learning – Helping In More Ways Due to the current Coronavirus situation, medical attention in a lot of areas is delayed or perhaps unsupported, so it is more important than ever to be trained and ready should a situation arise. While onsite CPR and Safety Training are being postponed, there are alternatives available right now such as Online Safety training or Blended learning[..]

Hand Washing Recommendations from the CDC

Hand washing is critical in helping prevent the spread of germs   It may seem like an obvious and simple task, but many people don’t wash their hands correctly. In order to help prevent the spread of disease, we want to share this video put together by the CDC (Center for Disease Control). The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends frequently washing your hands throughout each day[..]

CPR saved this cyclist who went into sudden cardiac arrest

Dick Winters is an avid cyclist who rides his bike 4 to 5 times a week for an average of 20+ miles each day. At 70 years old, he joined the COCAC 5:15 ride to find a group of like-minded cycling enthusiasts in Charlotte, who have been riding together for over 15 years. But one morning, things didn’t go as planned when Winters suddenly fell off his bike and hit the ground. The five other[..]

How do I work from home? Tips from the experienced

Most people spend months getting into the rhythm of remote work. Many Americans are trying to get that rhythm down with day’s notice. COVID-19 has made it to nearly every state including Alabama. With at least 28 confirmed cases (as of midday March 16) in Sweet Home Alabama, some businesses are telling their employees to stay home and avoid contact with the outside world as much as[..]

OSHA reminds employers COVID-19 is a recordable illness

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration reminds us that any incidents of employees contracting the novel coronavirus at work are recordable illnesses, subject to the same rules and failure-to-record fines as other workplace injuries and illnesses. While OSHA specifically exempts employers from recording incidents of employees contracting common colds and the flu in the workplace,[..]

Coach raises awareness for CPR training after it helped save his life

A seemingly healthy Georgetown assistant football coach collapsed on the practice field in September after his heart stopped. Bystander CPR intervention is credited with helping to save the married father’s life. Coach Trey Henderson is a man of few words and was a little uneasy with the attention. Tuesday afternoon, he thanked each of the men and women who saved his life with the use of CPR[..]